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Grade 4 Understanding Life Systems

Habitats and Communities

What Does a Plant Need to Survive? 

Let your students get their hands dirty! In groups, have them plant seeds and tend to their own seedlings. The materials (gloves, soil, pots, seeds) can be found at most dollar stores, just be sure to leave time for clean up at the end! 


Hold a competition to see which group can grow the healthiest plants. Your students can record their plants' needs and their observations from week to week in their notebooks. 


Extend the question of "what factors plants need to survive" to animals. How are they the same? How are they different? 


Expectations Addressed: 2.1, 3.3 



 Individual Activity


Group Activity 




Outdoor Activity


Set up aspecialized habitat by starting a classroom vermicomposting bin. These bins use worms to break down organic materials and to create soil. This soil can then be used for potting plants. 


Students can investigate how the elements of this habitat depend on each other and how they create a cycle. 

You can lead guided investigations by giving each group of students a plate with soil and worms on it. Does the worm like the shade or the light? How does the worm move? How does the worm sense its surroundings? As an added bonus, this experiment promotes sustainability in the classroom. 


Expectations Addressed: 2.1, 2.4


To learn more about starting your own class vermicomposting bin, go to

Too Many Plants! 

Extend this experiment into a demonstration. Set up three pots, one which holds a single basil plant, one which holds three, and another which holds six. As a class, predict how each pot will change over time if they are all given the same amount of water. Will they all grow at the same rate? Will they all be the same size? Will they all be the same colour? Collect your students' predictions and observe the plants throughout the unit. 


Once your students understand the concept of limiting resources with plants, the idea can easily be extended to other living things! 


Expectations Addressed: 3.9 

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