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Grade 4 Understanding Structures & Mechanisms

Pulleys and Gears



 Individual Activity


Group Activity 




Outdoor Activity

Mad Science of Niagara Activities

Have your students build and test a pulley system. By building it from scratch, your students will better understand its mechanics and will have a deeper understanding of this simple machine. This document contains procedures and explanations for several activities. See “Powerful Pulley” for a whole-class demonstration that is a great minds-on for the unit. Check out “Build a Pulley” for a group activity that involves creating a pulley out of simple household materials.


Expectations Addressed: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3


Pulley Lab - Gizmos

Once your students have gained a good understanding of what a pulley is and how it works, you can introduce how a pulley reduces the amount of force needed to perform an action. The screenshot above shows the Gizmo "Pulley Lab", where your students can experiment. This Gizmo allows student to not only play with the amount of weight a pulley holds, but to also experiment with the addition of pulleys. Allow students to play with the Gizmo at first, then introduce a learning activity to go along with it. 


Expectations Addressed: 2.2, 3.6, 3.7

Haven't used Gizmos before? Click here for an explanation! 

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